Welch Vacuum MAJOR REPAIR KIT, 1376, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, PN 1376K-06
Welch Vacuum MAJOR REPAIR KIT, 1376, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, PN 1376K-06
These Welch Vacuum MAJOR REPAIR KIT, 1376 have part number 1376K-06, are new, and come with full Welch Vacuum warranty. A wide variety of kits are available to fix Welch’s Vacuum Pumps, Vacuum Systems, Vacuum Stations, and many of the accessories. Major/minor repair kits are included in this collection.
More information about these Welch Vacuum MAJOR REPAIR KIT, 1376 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 1376K-06.
Product: Welch Vacuum MAJOR REPAIR KIT, 1376, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, Kits, Accessories, & Oils, PN 1376K-06
Condition: New
Warranty: Welch Vacuum Warranty
Part Number: 1376K-06
Sale Price: L122,874.84
Currency Albanian Lek (ALL)