Oerlikon Leybold COOLVAC 3000 iCL-V; DN 350 CF, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, PN 844321V9002
Oerlikon Leybold COOLVAC 3000 iCL-V; DN 350 CF, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, PN 844321V9002
These Oerlikon Leybold COOLVAC 3000 iCL-V; DN 350 CF have part number 844321V9002, are new, and come with full Oerlikon Leybold warranty. COOLVAC vacuum pumps are refrigerator cryo pumps which generate a vacuum when gaseous substances are bound to the cold surfaces within the pump by means of cryocondensation. Because of the pumping principle COOLVAC cryo pumps have a high effective pumping speed for all gases. COOLVAC vacuum pumps produce a hydro carbon free ultra high vacuum inthe pressure range from 10-3 mbar to 10-11 mbar (0.75•10-3 to 0.75•10-11 Torr).
More information about these Oerlikon Leybold COOLVAC 3000 iCL-V; DN 350 CF can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 844321V9002.
Product: Oerlikon Leybold COOLVAC 3000 iCL-V; DN 350 CF, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, CoolVac Pumps & Cryo Technology, PN 844321V9002
Condition: New
Warranty: Oerlikon Leybold Warranty
Part Number: 844321V9002
Sale Price: L4,761,731.79
Currency Albanian Lek (ALL)
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