Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Edwards Sogevac Shaft Seal For SV40,SV65,SV100, Edwards, Edwards, PN 20405009
These Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Edwards Sogevac Shaft Seal For SV40,SV65,SV100 have part number 20405009, are new, and come with full Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts warranty. Ideal Vacuum provides an extensive offering of Repair Kits and Parts for the full range of vacuum pumps for Edwards rotary vane, dry scroll, semiconductor and industrial dry and mechanical boosters. We maintain a state of the art inspection and testing facility where all parts are checked for proper performance and fit. Every part we sell must pass a rigid and thorough incoming inspection process. Ideal Vacuum vanes for Edwards vacuum pumps are made from our proven high strength GX polymer like that used by many of today’s OEM pump manufacturers. This provides a durable vane that is both thermally stable and corrosion resistant for most vacuum pump applications. In addition to both minor and major repair kits Ideal Vacuum also offers a wide selection of precision machined rotors, stators, claws, lobes, impellers and plates for most Edwards pump models.
The Ideal Vacuum range of replacement parts and repair kits covers:
• Direct drive oil-sealed vacuum pumps for the complete range of EM and RV models including E2M.7, E2M1.5, E2M2, E2M5,E2M8, E2M12, E2M18, E2M28, E2M30, E2M40, E2M80, E2M175, E2M275, RV3, RV5,RV8 and RV12.
• Dry vacuum pumps for the complete range of QDP, iQDP, iH and iL models including QDP40, QDP80, iQDP40, iQDP80, iH80, iH160, iL70, iH600/1000, iL600/1000 and iH1800/2400.
• Mechanical Booster pumps for the complete range of EH and QMB models including EH250, EH500, EH1200, EH2600, EH4200,HMB600/1000, HMB1800/2400, QMB500, QMB1200 and QMB2400.
• Dry running Scroll pumps for the complete range of ESDP, GVSP, XDS and nXDS models including ESDP12, ESDP30, GVSP30, XDS5, XDS10, XDS35i, XDS46i, nXDS6i, nXDS10i, nXDS15i and nXDS20i.
More information about these
Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Edwards Sogevac Shaft Seal For SV40,SV65,SV100 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 20405009.