Keyword Part Number:
Leybold LVO-500 Synthetic Vacuum Pump Oil for DIP & Leybojet 630 Diffusion Pumps, 1 liter. L50001 Leybold Part Number L50001 Leybold LEYBONOL LVO 500 is a synthetic white oil, free of additives. LVO 500 exhibits good thermal stability and is the most frequently used pump fluid for applications in a high vacuum. The attainable ultimate pressure is below 10-7 mBar.
Condition: New
Part Number: P1010629
Price: Fr. 240.28
Leybold LVO-521 Synthetic Vacuum Pump Oil for DIP & Leybojet 630 Diffusion Pumps, 1 liter Leybold Part Number L52101 Leybold LEYBONOL LVO 521 is a premium silicone oil with additives. It has a high oil purity (DC 704/705 quality), extended oil life, excellent ultimate pressure, high temperature stability and is highly resistant against oxidation and decomposition. LVO 521 is used for high and ultra-high vacuum applications and used in Leybold DIP and Leybojet 630 diffusion pumps.
Condition: New
Part Number: P1011215
Price: Fr. 664.56