Yamato Remote Dispense Configuration - with Ultrafiltration module, 220V/50Hz, Laboratory Washer and Furniture, Laboratory Washer and Furniture, PN WB-311UFR
These Yamato Remote Dispense Configuration - with Ultrafiltration module, 220V/50Hz have part number WB-311UFR, are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. The ultrasonic pipette Washer’s features include: return current system for smart cleaning efficiency; bottom Nozzle jet washes traces of dirt from pipettes for effective cleaning; bath basket spins constantly for efficient cleaning; washing and rinsing can be done in one washer; washable by water-soluble alkaline detergent; compact design.
More information about these Yamato Remote Dispense Configuration - with Ultrafiltration module, 220V/50Hz can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the WB-311UFR.