Keyword Part Number:
Leybold Leybonol LVO 600 White mineral oil food grade, 1 gallon. Leybold Leybonol LVO 600 is a high purity white mineral oil, free of aromatic and sulphur compounds. White mineral oils are odourless, tasteless, and colorless and consist completely of saturated hydrocarbons. White mineral oils are widely used in the plastics, textile, pharmaceutical and food industries. In vacuum systems, white mineral oils are used for pumping small quantities of chemically reactive substances like halogens, halogen hydracid, halogenated hydrocarbons, Lewis acids, and acetic acid. Product examples, TRIVAC Rotary Vane A and B. Mixable with and a replacement for Leybold NC 2, HE 400 oils.
Condition: New
Part Number: P104192
Price: Kr2,785.63