Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Microdot Coaxial Connector/Cable, In-Vacuum, 500 Volts, 2 Amps, 30 Length, Accessories, Accessories, PN A4863-2-CN
Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Microdot Coaxial Connector/Cable, In-Vacuum, 500 Volts, 2 Amps, 30 Length, Accessories, Accessories, PN A4863-2-CN
These Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Microdot Coaxial Connector/Cable, In-Vacuum, 500 Volts, 2 Amps, 30 Length have part number A4863-2-CN, are new, and come with full Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs warranty. These Ideal Vacuum Connectors are sorted into five main categories: Thermocouple Connectors, Power Connectors, High Voltage Connectors, MS Circular Connectors and Coaxial Connectors. More information about these Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Microdot Coaxial Connector/Cable, In-Vacuum, 500 Volts, 2 Amps, 30 Length can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the A4863-2-CN.
Product: Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Microdot Coaxial Connector/Cable, In-Vacuum, 500 Volts, 2 Amps, 30 Length, Accessories, Accessories, PN A4863-2-CN
Condition: New
Warranty: Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Warranty
Part Number: A4863-2-CN
Sale Price: £318.39
Currency Pound Sterling (GBP)
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