Teledyne Hastings Octal Female Socket, Cables and Accessories , Cables and Accessories , PN 28-07-050
These Teledyne Hastings Octal Female Socket have part number 28-07-050, are new, and come with full Teledyne Hastings warranty. A wide variety of accessories are available to accompany Teledyne-Hastings Controllers/Gauges/Sensors. Included in this collection are electrical connectors, particle drop-out traps, molecular sieve filters, Quick connects (including valved and dual valved), plugs for quick connect, Teflon seal nuts, Octal sockets and plugs, and NIST Certificates. Teledyne Hastings Octal Female Socket can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 28-07-050.