MKS Instruments XDCR, .1T NW-16-KF 45 DEGC 9PD, Absolute Process Measurement - Controlled to 45°C, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 45°C, PN 629H.1TDCJ1B
These MKS Instruments XDCR, .1T NW-16-KF 45 DEGC 9PD have part number 629H.1TDCJ1B, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. The 629 Baratron® capacitance manometer is an improved version of the industry standard 629 capacitance manometer. The 629F process capacitance manometer is temperature controlled to either 45°C or 100°C, is accurate to 0.12% of Reading, and includes improved temperature control electronics to provide superior long-term stability and repeatability. It has an optional external zero input, which accepts a voltage equal and opposite to the zero offset, to provide a zero output at zero pressure. The “At Temperature” LED/switch indicates that the sensor is at controlled temperature (either 45°C or 100°C). The 629F is available in Full Scale ranges down to 20 mTorr to accommodate today’s lower process pressures.
More information about these MKS Instruments XDCR, .1T NW-16-KF 45 DEGC 9PD can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 629H.1TDCJ1B.