Pfeiffer Vacuum CARTRIDGE FOR MIST ELIMIN. 8, Alcatel-Adixen Rotary Vane Pumps , Alcatel Adixen Rotary Vane Pumps , PN 112453
These Pfeiffer Vacuum CARTRIDGE FOR MIST ELIMIN. 8 have part number 112453, are new, and come with full Pfeiffer Vacuum warranty. The Pfeiffer Alcatel-Adixen Annecy dual stage rotary vane vacuum pumps are designed and manufactured to meet the demanding requirements of various industrial and scientific applications. They are available in four different series, SD, C1, C2 or I series, which stands for standard duty, light chemical resistant, heavier chemical resistance and prepared with PFPE oil, and for analytical instrument applications, respectively. Ideal Vacuum stocks most of these models for shipment same day as the order is placed. We also carry most of the supporting accessories, including vacuum pump oil, kits, filters, and parts for these pumps are available on our website. We carry all the common Pfeiffer Alcatel-Adixen Annecy vacuum pump oils, including A102 mineral vacuum pump oil, A111 an improved synthetic blend vacuum pump oil, Pfeiffer P3 vacuum pump oils, A120 hydrocarbon distillates (petroleum) vacuum pump oil, along with the A113 PFPE chemical resistant oils for the C2 series pumps. Ideal Vacuum stocks all the rebuild and repair kits for these pumps, which include, the rotary vanes, seals, coupling element, O-rings, gaskets and other parts needed for vacuum pump overhaul. We stock the oil mist filters and replacement elements for all the models, OME25S (OME 25 S), OME 40, OME25HP, and OME25HP+. We also offer rebuild and repair services for this and all Pfeiffer Alcatel-Adixen Annecy pumps.
More information about these Pfeiffer Vacuum CARTRIDGE FOR MIST ELIMIN. 8 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 112453.