Inficon Inc MPG500 TI,LC,FCC,40CF-F, Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , PN 3MB0-11Q-000P
These Inficon Inc MPG500 TI,LC,FCC,40CF-F have part number 3MB0-11Q-000P, are new, and come with full Inficon Inc warranty. The INFICON passive Cold Cathode Gauge Heads MAG050 and MAG060 are designed for use with the INFICON Vacuum Gauge Controller VGC083C. They are constructed of a compact metal design resulting in a simple yet rugged gauge suitable for numerous industrial applications. Gauge Head MAG050 utilizes an elastomer internal seal while the MAG060 gauge head uses a metal seal allowing pressure measurements in the UHV range. The Gauge Head assembly can be easily disassembled and cleaned allowing Long term use with minimal down time. A Gauge Head ignition aid mounted on the anode improves the time it takes to set the Cold Cathode Gauge Head on.MAG050 measures down to 2×10-9 mbar while MAG060 is able to measure down to 1×10-10 mbar.MAG050 is bakeable up to 150°C and it is mainly intended for use in different industrial applications.MAG060 bakeable up to 250 °C and radiation resistant, which makes it an excellent choice for the use in R&D applications.
The INFICON Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauges, MPG400 and MPG401, measure from 5 x 10-9 mbar to atmosphere (3.8 x 10-9 Torr to atmosphere). Combining technologies into one single compact unit with one logarithmic analog output signal significantly reduces the complexity of installation, setup and integration.
More information about these Inficon Inc MPG500 TI,LC,FCC,40CF-F can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 3MB0-11Q-000P.