Yamato Drain bottle 5L for SM Series , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN 7260000006
Yamato Drain bottle 5L for SM Series , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN 7260000006
These Yamato Drain bottle 5L for SM Series have part number 7260000006, are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. A variety of accessories are available to accompany Sterilizers. This collection includes: baskets, stainless bucket, plates and inserts, shelves, and stands.
More information about these Yamato Drain bottle 5L for SM Series can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 7260000006.
Product: Yamato Drain bottle 5L for SM Series , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN 7260000006
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: 7260000006
Sale Price: ₹12,044.16
Currency Indian Rupee (INR)
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