MKS Instruments MFC, AR, 10 SCCM, 9 PIN ANALOG, N.C. FKM (VITON), 1179C11CR1AV, Metal & Elastomer Sealed Mass Flow Controllers, Metal & Elastomer Sealed Mass Flow Controllers, PN 1179C00411CR1AV
These MKS Instruments MFC, AR, 10 SCCM, 9 PIN ANALOG, N.C. FKM (VITON), 1179C11CR1AV have part number 1179C00411CR1AV, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. The 1179 is a general purpose mass flow controller designed to measure and control the flow of gases in a wide variety of applications. The 1170 Mass-Flo controllers are available with Full Scale ranges from 10 sccm to 20 slm, providing fast, repeatable flow control to as low as 0.2 sccm. It can also be used as a pressure controller when connected to a suitable pressure transducer. The 1179C is a direct from-fit-function replacement for the most common MFC’s on the market today. The standard 3-inch footprint enables the 1179C to drop directly into the same space without modifying existing gas lines. Electrical connectors are the same Type “D” connectors with the same pin-outs, signals, and functions as their industry counterparts, so no cable or connector requiring is necessary. The 1179C is compatible with MFC power supply and display electronics from MKS or other manufacturers.
More information about these MKS Instruments MFC, AR, 10 SCCM, 9 PIN ANALOG, N.C. FKM (VITON), 1179C11CR1AV can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 1179C00411CR1AV.