Teledyne Hastings HPM-4/6 Octal Socket, Cover & Relief, Cables and Accessories , Cables and Accessories , PN 28-07-049
These Teledyne Hastings HPM-4/6 Octal Socket, Cover & Relief have part number 28-07-049, are new, and come with full Teledyne Hastings warranty. A wide variety of accessories are available to accompany Teledyne-Hastings Controllers/Gauges/Sensors. Included in this collection are electrical connectors, particle drop-out traps, molecular sieve filters, Quick connects (including valved and dual valved), plugs for quick connect, Teflon seal nuts, Octal sockets and plugs, and NIST Certificates. Teledyne Hastings HPM-4/6 Octal Socket, Cover & Relief can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 28-07-049.