Keyword Part Number:
N-BK7 Glass Replacement Window for Glass Vacuum Gas Cells, Reference Cell Heaters, and Spectroscopy Furnaces, 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. This listing is for the sale of one (1) replacement window with the following characteristics: Material: N-BK7 Glass. Dimensions: 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. 0.5° Wedge Between Transmitting Surfaces. Surface Flatness: ?/20 Over Central 10 mm, ?/10 Over Entire Clear Aperture. These windows are suitable for visible and NIR laser applications. The 0.5° wedge helps prevent unwanted etalon effects, fringe patterns, and cavity feedback. The high surface flatness prevents beam distortion. These windows are uncoated for use over their entire optical range. These windows are compatible with Ideal Vacuum’s glass gas cells, Habanero reference cell furnace (up to 619 °C), and Serrano reference cell heater. N-BK7 PropertiesOpticalTransmission Range: 0.35 to 2.0 µm Refractive Index: 1.5168 at 587.5618 nm Reflection Loss: 8.1% at 587.5618 nm (2 surfaces) Chemical behavior of polished surfacesClimatic resistance class CR (2) (ISO/WD 13384) Acid resistance class SR (1) (ISO 8424) Alkali resistance class AR (2) (ISO 10629) Phosphate resistance class PR (2,3) (ISO 9689) Stain resistance class FR (0) Suitable for water exposure Maximum operating temperature 619 °C
Condition: New
Part Number: P1012275
Price: RM729.36
Fused Silica Glass Replacement Window for Glass Vacuum Gas Cell, Reference Cell Heaters, and Spectroscopy Furnaces, 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. This listing is for the sale of one (1) replacement window with the following characteristics: Material: Fused Silica. Dimensions: 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. 0.5° Wedge Between Transmitting Surfaces. Surface Flatness: ?/20 Over Central 10 mm, ?/10 Over Entire Clear Aperture. These windows are suitable for UV, visible, and NIR laser applications. The 0.5° wedge helps prevent unwanted etalon effects, fringe patterns, and cavity feedback. The high surface flatness prevents beam distortion. These windows are uncoated for use over their entire optical range. These windows are compatible with Ideal Vacuum’s glass gas cells, Habanero reference cell furnace, and Serrano reference cell heater. Fused Silica PropertiesOpticalTransmission Range: 0.185 to 2.1 µm Refractive Index: 1.46 at 530 nm Reflection Loss: 6.8% at 588 nm (2 surfaces) Chemical behavior of polished surfacesClimatic resistance class CR (1) (ISO/WD 13384) Acid resistance class SR (1) (ISO 8424) Alkali resistance class AR (1) (ISO 10629) Phosphate resistance class PR (1) (ISO 9689) Stain resistance class FR (0) Suitable for water exposure Maximum operating temperature 1600 °C
Condition: New
Part Number: P1012276
Price: RM813.95
Sapphire Replacement Window for Glass Vacuum Gas Cell, Reference Cell Heaters, and Spectroscopy Furnaces, 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. This listing is for the sale of one (1) replacement window with the following characteristics: Material: Sapphire (Al2O3). Dimensions: 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. 0.5° Wedge Between Transmitting Surfaces. Surface Flatness: ?/2 Over Central 10 mm, ? Over Entire Clear Aperture. These windows are suitable for UV, visible, and IR laser applications. The 0.5° wedge helps prevent unwanted etalon effects, fringe patterns, and cavity feedback. These windows are uncoated for use over their entire optical range. These windows are compatible with Ideal Vacuum’s glass gas cells, Habanero reference cell furnace, and Serrano reference cell heater. Sapphire PropertiesOpticalTransmission Range: 0.15 to 5 µm Refractive Index: 1.74663 at 1.06 µm Reflection Loss: 14% at 1.06 µm (2 surfaces) Absorption Coef.: 3.0 x 10-2 cm-1 @ 2.4 µm Reststrahlen Peak: 13.5 µmChemical behavior of polished surfacesClimatic resistance class CR (n/a) (ISO/WD 13384) Acid resistance class SR (n/a) (ISO 8424) Alkali resistance class AR (n/a) (ISO 10629) Phosphate resistance class PR (n/a) (ISO 9689) Stain resistance class FR (n/a) Suitable for water exposure Maximum operating temperature 1134 °C
Condition: New
Part Number: P1012277
Price: RM855.07
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) Replacement Window for Glass Vacuum Gas Cell, Reference Cell Heaters, and Spectroscopy Furnaces, 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. This listing is for the sale of one (1) replacement window with the following characteristics: Material: Calcium Fluoride (CaF2). Dimensions: 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. 0.5° Wedge Between Transmitting Surfaces. Surface Flatness: ?/16 Over Central 10 mm, ?/8 Over Entire Clear Aperture. These windows are suitable for UV, visible, and IR laser applications. The 0.5° wedge helps prevent unwanted etalon effects, fringe patterns, and cavity feedback. The high surface flatness prevents beam distortion. These windows are uncoated for use over their entire optical range. These windows are compatible with Ideal Vacuum’s glass gas cells, Habanero reference cell furnace (up to 600-1000 °C depending on humidity), and Serrano reference cell heater. Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) PropertiesOpticalTransmission Range: 0.13 to 10µm Refractive Index: 1.399 at 5µm Reflection Loss: 5.4% at 5µm Absorption Coef.: 7.8 x 10-4 cm-1 at 2.7 µm Reststrahlen Peak: 35 µmChemical behavior of polished surfacesClimatic resistance class CR 1 (ISO/WD 13384) Acid resistance class SR 4.5 (ISO 8424) Alkali resistance class AR 2.3 (ISO 10629) Phosphate resistance class PR 1.3 (ISO 9689) Stain resistance class FR 0 Solubility: 0.0017g/100g water at 20°C (Do not immerse in water.) Maximum operating temperature 600 °C (Wet or Humid), 1000 °C (Dry)
Condition: New
Part Number: P1012278
Price: RM945.80
Germanium Replacement Window for Glass Vacuum Gas Cell, 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. This listing is for the sale of one (1) replacement window for an Ideal Vacuum Glass Vacuum Gas Cell with the following characteristics: Material: Germanium. Dimensions: 1" (25.4 mm) OD, 0.197" (5 mm) Thickness. 0.5° Wedge Between Transmitting Surfaces. Surface Flatness: ?/2 Over Central 10 mm, ? Over Entire Clear Aperture. These windows are suitable for IR laser applications. The 0.5° wedge helps prevent unwanted etalon effects, fringe patterns, and cavity feedback. These windows are uncoated for use over their entire optical range. Germanium PropertiesOpticalTransmission Range: 2 to 16µm Refractive Index: 4.0026 at 11µm Reflection Loss: 53% at 11µm (2 surfaces) Absorption Coef.: 2.7 x 10-2 cm-1 at 10.6µm Chemical behavior of polished surfacesClimatic resistance class CR (n/a) (ISO/WD 13384) Acid resistance class SR (n/a) (ISO 8424) Alkali resistance class AR (n/a) (ISO 10629) Phosphate resistance class PR (n/a) (ISO 9689) Stain resistance class FR (n/a) Suitable for use with water
Condition: New
Part Number: P1012280
Price: RM1,481.67