Oerlikon Leybold TwinFilter 500 Met PO SV470 570 B, SOGEVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, SOGEVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, PN 9516248MAPO
These Oerlikon Leybold TwinFilter 500 Met PO SV470 570 B have part number 9516248MAPO, are new, and come with full Oerlikon Leybold warranty. The standard version of the SOGEVAC rotary vane pump series is suitable for rough industrial applications which can be customized to fit individual customer needs. A wide range of monitoring accessories and options are available. Different motor versions, inlet or exhaust ports, food-grade oil, food-grade paint, larger gas ballast are some examples of possible customizing. Because of advanced customer demands the new SOGEVAC B series of rotary vane vacuum pumps is setting new standards and offers following major characteristics such as compact design and small footprint, better ultimate pressure, very low and constant noise level in any working condition, more integrated functions, improved variant concept and specific customer configurations as well as simplified maintenance.
More information about these Oerlikon Leybold TwinFilter 500 Met PO SV470 570 B can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 9516248MAPO.