Oerlikon Leybold INLET CHECK VALVE G2, Screw Vacuum Pumps, Screw Vacuum Pumps, PN 111005A15
Oerlikon Leybold INLET CHECK VALVE G2, Screw Vacuum Pumps, Screw Vacuum Pumps, PN 111005A15
These Oerlikon Leybold INLET CHECK VALVE G2 have part number 111005A15, are new, and come with full Oerlikon Leybold warranty. LEYVAC vacuum pumps are dry compressing fore vacuum pumps, the operation is based on the screw principle. The LEYVAC series is especially developed for process industry, F&P, coating and display applications. They can simply be assembled by adapters to various vacuum systems, so particularly with regard to the well-proven RUVAC WH700 and WS(U) and WA(U) series.
More information about these Oerlikon Leybold INLET CHECK VALVE G2 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 111005A15.
Product: Oerlikon Leybold INLET CHECK VALVE G2, Screw Vacuum Pumps, Screw Vacuum Pumps, PN 111005A15
Condition: New
Warranty: Oerlikon Leybold Warranty
Part Number: 111005A15
Sale Price: NZ$1,162.53
Currency New Zealand Dollar (NZD)