Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Micro-D Connector, In-Vacuum, 25 Pins, Peek Insulator, Kapton Insulated Wire, 36 Cable, Accessories, Accessories, PN A9601-25-36
Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Micro-D Connector, In-Vacuum, 25 Pins, Peek Insulator, Kapton Insulated Wire, 36 Cable, Accessories, Accessories, PN A9601-25-36
These Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Micro-D Connector, In-Vacuum, 25 Pins, Peek Insulator, Kapton Insulated Wire, 36 Cable have part number A9601-25-36, are new, and come with full Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs warranty. Vacuum Connectors and Cable assemblies contain Subminiature C & D, Coaxial Connectors/Cables, and Micro-D Accessories. More information about these Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Micro-D Connector, In-Vacuum, 25 Pins, Peek Insulator, Kapton Insulated Wire, 36 Cable can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the A9601-25-36.
Product: Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Micro-D Connector, In-Vacuum, 25 Pins, Peek Insulator, Kapton Insulated Wire, 36 Cable, Accessories, Accessories, PN A9601-25-36
Condition: New
Warranty: Ideal Vacuum Feedthroughs Warranty
Part Number: A9601-25-36
Sale Price: ₱70,716.22
Currency Philippine Peso (PHP)
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