Nor Cal FEEDTHROUGH,150 AMPS,NW40, Feedthroughs, Feedthroughs, PN MCF-NW-40-3
Nor Cal FEEDTHROUGH,150 AMPS,NW40, Feedthroughs, Feedthroughs, PN MCF-NW-40-3
These Nor Cal FEEDTHROUGH,150 AMPS,NW40 have part number MCF-NW-40-3, are new, and come with full Nor Cal warranty. Electrical feedthroughs are manufactured from ultra-high vacuum grade materials such as high alumina ceramic insulators, OFHC copper or nickel conductors, and 304 stainless steel flanges. These robust ceramics to metal feedthroughs have electrical ratings for operation with one side in a dry atmosphere while the opposite end is in a stable vacuum.
More information about these Nor Cal FEEDTHROUGH,150 AMPS,NW40 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the MCF-NW-40-3.
Product: Nor Cal FEEDTHROUGH,150 AMPS,NW40, Feedthroughs, Feedthroughs, PN MCF-NW-40-3
Condition: New
Warranty: Nor Cal Warranty
Part Number: MCF-NW-40-3
Sale Price: ₱28,860.06
Currency Philippine Peso (PHP)