Yamato VACUUM OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 264L 230V , Ovens, Ovens, PN SDP-610
Yamato VACUUM OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 264L 230V , Ovens, Ovens, PN SDP-610
These Yamato VACUUM OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 264L 230V have part number SDP-610, are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. Vacuum Ovens has the Benchtop Vacuum Drying Oven and the Large Capacity Vacuum Drying Oven. The Benchtop Vacuum Drying Oven is a Standard small size benchtop vacuum drying oven with enhanced safety features. The Large Capacity Vacuum Drying Oven is a large capacity multi-purpose vacuum oven.
More information about these Yamato VACUUM OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 264L 230V can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the SDP-610.
Product: Yamato VACUUM OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 264L 230V , Ovens, Ovens, PN SDP-610
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: SDP-610
Sale Price: zł111,313.64
Currency Polish Zloty (PLN)
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