KNF N842.3 FTP Pump w/ Inlet and Outlet Separators Mounted on Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SR842
KNF N842.3 FTP Pump w/ Inlet and Outlet Separators Mounted on Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SR842
These KNF N842.3 FTP Pump w/ Inlet and Outlet Separators Mounted on Baseplate have part number SR842, are new, and come with full KNF warranty. The LABOPORT vacuum system is for rotary evaporators, vacuum ovens, concentrators. The two-point electronic controller provides users with the ability to program in the system pressure and walk away. The LABOPORT features are: maintenance free; quiet operation; simple connection to line power and to the pneumatic system; environmentally friendly; automatic vacuum control; controlled recovery of solvents, with high-performance condenser at the pressure side.
More information about these KNF N842.3 FTP Pump w/ Inlet and Outlet Separators Mounted on Baseplate can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the SR842.
Product: KNF N842.3 FTP Pump w/ Inlet and Outlet Separators Mounted on Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SR842
Condition: New
Warranty: KNF Warranty
Part Number: SR842
Sale Price: zł21,921.47
Currency Polish Zloty (PLN)