ThermoFisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Arctic SC150 A40, 115V, 900W Cooling/Heating Recirculating Chiller, Chillers, Chillers, PN 1535408
ThermoFisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Arctic SC150 A40, 115V, 900W Cooling/Heating Recirculating Chiller, Chillers, Chillers, PN 1535408
These ThermoFisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Arctic SC150 A40, 115V, 900W Cooling/Heating Recirculating Chiller have part number 1535408, are new, and come with full ThermoFisher Scientific warranty.
More information about these ThermoFisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Arctic SC150 A40, 115V, 900W Cooling/Heating Recirculating Chiller can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 1535408.
Product: ThermoFisher Scientific Thermo Scientific Arctic SC150 A40, 115V, 900W Cooling/Heating Recirculating Chiller, Chillers, Chillers, PN 1535408
Condition: New
Warranty: ThermoFisher Scientific Warranty
Part Number: 1535408
Sale Price: R106,434.68
Currency South African Rand (ZAR)
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