Oerlikon Leybold INERT GAS SYSTEM S/D 40/65 BCS, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, PN 16177
Oerlikon Leybold INERT GAS SYSTEM S/D 40/65 BCS, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, PN 16177
These Oerlikon Leybold INERT GAS SYSTEM S/D 40/65 BCS have part number 16177, are new, and come with full Oerlikon Leybold warranty. The two stage, oil lubricated TRIVAC B is the logical step ahead within the well-proven TRIVAC concept. Here the performance and the characteristics of the pumps have been adapted without compromise to market requirements. The TRIVAC B pumps with their comprehensive range of accessories have proven themselves time and again as rugged pumps in many and varied applications. The ultimate pressure is about 10-4 mbar. The pumping speed, depending on the pump size, TRIVAC D 4 B to TRIVAC D 65 B, is in the range from 4 to 65 3/h (2 to 38 cfm).
More information about these Oerlikon Leybold INERT GAS SYSTEM S/D 40/65 BCS can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 16177.
Product: Oerlikon Leybold INERT GAS SYSTEM S/D 40/65 BCS, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, TRIVAC Rotary Vane Pumps, PN 16177
Condition: New
Warranty: Oerlikon Leybold Warranty
Part Number: 16177
Sale Price: R62,320.67
Currency South African Rand (ZAR)
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