Inficon Inc VGC083C passive 3 channel controller, Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , PN 399-702
Inficon Inc VGC083C passive 3 channel controller, Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , PN 399-702
These Inficon Inc VGC083C passive 3 channel controller have part number 399-702, are new, and come with full Inficon Inc warranty. Compatible to the wide range of INFICON active gauges, the new VGC50x series of active gauge controllers are able to monitor and data log the entire pressure range from 10?¹° to 1500 mbar (10?¹° to 1125 Torr) and the set point status.
The new VGC50x Active Gauge Controller series is the advanced successor of the discontinued VGC40x series which was the 1:1 compatible product Leybold`s Center-Controller line.
More information about these Inficon Inc VGC083C passive 3 channel controller can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 399-702.
Product: Inficon Inc VGC083C passive 3 channel controller, Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , Wide Range Vacuum Gauges , PN 399-702
Condition: New
Warranty: Inficon Inc Warranty
Part Number: 399-702
Sale Price: R39,429.42
Currency South African Rand (ZAR)