MKS Instruments ASSY,SEAL,NW25,A/LM100, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100020002
MKS Instruments ASSY,SEAL,NW25,A/LM100, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100020002
These MKS Instruments ASSY,SEAL,NW25,A/LM100 have part number 100020002, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. MKS Series 23 is a family of buttweld vacuum fittings manufactured by MKS Instruments, INC. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the full line of ISO-Universal, ISO-KF and CF UHV flanges, and are easily welded to the flanges or each other during on-site installation. All components are made of type-304 stainless steel and are specifically prepared for use in high vacuum process or UHV applications. Vacuum buttweld fittings are designed for use in any vacuum applications where it is critical to minimize the number of sealed joints.
• Semiconductor wafer fabrication areas for remote installations and below a raised floor
• Permanent house vacuum lines
• Vacuum utility lines for vacuum fixtures
• High temperature lines
• Burn box exhaust lines
More information about these
MKS Instruments ASSY,SEAL,NW25,A/LM100 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 100020002.
Product: MKS Instruments ASSY,SEAL,NW25,A/LM100, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100020002
Condition: New
Warranty: MKS Instruments Warranty
Part Number: 100020002
Sale Price: Kr232.74
Currency Swedish Krona (SEK)