KNF N938.50 KT.18 with a Vacuum Gauge and Regualtor, Laboport Pumps, Laboport Pumps, PN N938.50KT.45.18
These KNF N938.50 KT.18 with a Vacuum Gauge and Regualtor have part number N938.50KT.45.18, are new, and come with full KNF warranty. The KNF LABOPORT series of diaphragm vacuum pumps are perfectly suited for laboratory bench applications. LABOPORT diaphragm lab vacuum pumps are oil-free, easy to use, and conveniently carried to wherever vacuum is needed. Manufactured in the USA with chemically-resistant PTFE heads, FFKM valves, and PTFE-bonded diaphragms -- LABOPORT vacuum pumps are built to last, delivering accurate, reliable performance year after year! LABOPORT MINI vacuum pumps are suitable for flask infiltration, vacuum bottling, and vacuum manifolds. LABOPORT MINI vacuum pump features: compact, quiet, reliable; flow range from 5.5 - 37 L/min; vacuum or pressure capability; corrosion-resistant wetted parts; optional gauge control packages; maintenance-free, no oil or water needed.
More information about these KNF N938.50 KT.18 with a Vacuum Gauge and Regualtor can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the N938.50KT.45.18.