KNF N820.3 FTP Pump w/ Vacuum Controller and Glassware Mounted on a Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SC820
KNF N820.3 FTP Pump w/ Vacuum Controller and Glassware Mounted on a Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SC820
These KNF N820.3 FTP Pump w/ Vacuum Controller and Glassware Mounted on a Baseplate have part number SC820, are new, and come with full KNF warranty. The LABOPORT vacuum system is for rotary evaporators, vacuum ovens, concentrators. The two-point electronic controller provides users with the ability to program in the system pressure and walk away. The LABOPORT features are: maintenance free; quiet operation; simple connection to line power and to the pneumatic system; environmentally friendly; automatic vacuum control; controlled recovery of solvents, with high-performance condenser at the pressure side.
More information about these KNF N820.3 FTP Pump w/ Vacuum Controller and Glassware Mounted on a Baseplate can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the SC820.
Product: KNF N820.3 FTP Pump w/ Vacuum Controller and Glassware Mounted on a Baseplate, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SC820
Condition: New
Warranty: KNF Warranty
Part Number: SC820
Sale Price: ฿236,886.80
Currency Thai Baht (THB)