Keyword Part Number:
ThermoFisher Brass Hose Barbs Kit for ThermoFlex 900 - 10000, 1/2 to 3/8 inches. 2 each. Thermo Scientific Part Number 598000000011 These ThermoFisher Scientific Brass Hose Barbs are designed to use with ThermoFlex 900 to 10000 with P1, P2 or T1 pumps, 1/2 to 3/8 in. 2 each. Thermo Scientific Part Number 598000000011.
Condition: New
Part Number: P107576
Price: TT$2,017.53
Thermo Scientific Neslab External Flow Control Kit for use with ThermoFlex 900 to 10000 with P1, P2 or T1 pumps (1/2 NPT) Thermo Scientific Part Number 611000000106 These Thermo Scientific Neslab external flow control kit for use with ThermoFlex 900 to 10000 with P1, P2 or T1 pumps (1/2 NPT). Thermo Scientific Part Number 611000000106
Condition: New
Part Number: P109651
Price: TT$12,809.61
Thermo Scientific Neslab External Flow Control Kit for use with ThermoFlex 900 with brass Swagelok fittings. Thermo Scientific Part Number 342000000025 These are Thermo Scientific Neslab external flow control kit for use with ThermoFlex 900. Instructions for install on middle graphic to the left. Thermo Scientific Part Number U00951.
Condition: New
Part Number: P1011922
Price: TT$6,518.33
Thermo Chiller 460-TFS200 Treated Water Solution, CCLS, Biocide/Corrosion Inhibitor, 5 Gallons Premixed with Water Ready to Pour. Thermo Fisher PN: 610000000007 This is treated water solution 460-TFS200, CCLS, biocide/corrosion inhibitor, 5 gallons premixed with water ready to pour for Thermo Chillers. The 460-TFS200 treated water with Nalco, is used with chilled water baths and recirculating chillers. The solution has a low freezing point to allow the chillers to operate a lower temperatures than allowed with water, temperature Range +5°C to +95°C. They are sold in a 5 gallon container and have Thermo Scientific Neslab part number 610000000007.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106031
Price: TT$4,695.43
High Temperature Plumbing Package, 1/2 inch ID x 50 Foot Long for Recirculating Thermo Neslab Chillers ThermoChill I, II, and III. Thermo Scientific Part Number: 611000000105 These High Temperature plumbing packages include 1/2 inch diameter by 50 foot long insulated tubing which can be used with Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex 900, 1400, 2500, up to models 10000 recirculating chillers with P1, P2 or T1 pumps. These insulated line sets keep the chilled fluids cold as they circulate between the chiller and product. This plumbing package comes with hose barbs and clamps, Thermo Scientific Part number 611000000005
Condition: New
Part Number: P109686
Price: TT$9,656.31
Thermo Neslab Ethylene Glycol Solution for Chilled Water Baths and Recirculating Chillers, 5 Gallon Container. Thermo Scientific Neslab Part Number 610000000001 Thermo Scientific Neslab ethylene glycol solutions are used with chilled water baths and recirculating chillers. The solution has a low freezing point to allow the chillers to operate a lower temperatures than allowed with water. They are sold in a 5 gallon container and have Thermo Scientific Neslab part number 610000000001.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106030
Price: TT$4,066.59
Plumbing Package, 1/2 inch NPT x 25 Foot Long, Recommended for Recirculating Thermo Neslab Chillers. Thermo Scientific Neslab Part number 611000000004 These High Temperature plumbing packages include 1/2 inch NPT x 25 foot long insulated tubing which can be used with Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex 900, 1400, 2500, up to models 10000 recirculating chillers with P1, P2 or T1 pumps. These insulated line sets keep the chilled fluids cold as they circulate between the chiller and product. This plumbing package comes with hose barbs and clamps, Thermo Scientific Part number 611000000004
Condition: New
Part Number: P106029
Price: TT$5,560.71
External Pressure Regulator Kit for Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I & II Recirculating Chiller. Thermo Fisher PN: 196000000000 These is a External Pressure Regulator (EPR) kit for Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I & II LR Recirculating Chiller. An External Pressure Reducer (EPR) limits the maximum pressure to your application. We recommend this option when circulating to applications that are sensitive to higher pressures or when circulating through glass. Pressure settings affect flow. Using the EPR to lower the pressure reduces flow. Increasing the pressure with the EPR increases the flow. The Thermo Scientific ThermoChill III LR recirculating chillers are designed to provide a continuous supply of fluid at a constant temperature and volume. This unit is air-cooled only (Water cooling not available for this unit) and also offers a refrigeration system, heat exchanger, recirculating pump, polyethylene reservoir, and a microprocessor controller. The Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I recirculating chiller offers powerful cooling, expansive temperature ranges, and sophisticated controller technology. They are very simple to use, simply make the plumbing connections, add recirculating fluid, turn on and select the set point temperature. It is that easy to install a ThermoChill system. These robust, compact units offer precise temperature stability and high reliability for external circulation applications. An industrial-grade force and suction pump provides the pressure necessary to circulate fluid long distances to both open containers and closed loop systems. This gives users the flexibility to meet a wide range of application needs.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106026
Price: TT$6,008.60
Ideal Vacuum Cube Cooling Plate Adapter Kit This cooling plate adapter kit is used to connect 2 Ideal Vacuum Cube 12x12 cooling plates to one Thermo Scientific Neslab model Arctic, AC200 A25, AC200 A40, or Accel 500LT cooler. The kit branches the main cooling line off to a secondary cooling plate attached to a second 12x12 Ideal Vacuum Cube, allowing both chambers to be chilled in conjunction with one single chiller. This cooling plate adapter kit comes with: 5ft length of 1/2" ID insulated hose (x2) 3/8" x 1/2" OD tube adapters (x2) 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" OD Stainless Steel Barbed Tee (x2) #10 Stainless Steel Clamps (x4)
Condition: New
Part Number: P109032
Price: TT$6,127.50
Plumbing Package, 1/2 ID x 5 ft long (x2), (one piece - must be cut in half) Insulated. Recommended for Bath & Circulating Water Baths. Thermo Neslab PN: 1600147 These plumbing package are insulated and can be used with Thermo Scientific Neslab models Arctic, AC200 A25, AC200 A40, and Accel 500LT. This insulated line set is 1/2 ID x 5 ft long (x2) (one piece - must be cut in half) and keeps the chilled fluids cold as they circulate between the chiller and system.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106028
Price: TT$5,101.64
External Pressure Regulator Kit for Thermo Scientific ThermoChill III Recirculating Chiller. Thermo Fisher PN: 196000000001 These is a External Pressure Regulator (EPR) kit for Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I & II LR Recirculating Chiller. An External Pressure Reducer (EPR) limits the maximum pressure to your application. We recommend this option when circulating to applications that are sensitive to higher pressures or when circulating through glass. Pressure settings affect flow. Using the EPR to lower the pressure reduces flow. Increasing the pressure with the EPR increases the flow. The Thermo Scientific ThermoChill III LR recirculating chillers are designed to provide a continuous supply of fluid at a constant temperature and volume. This unit is air-cooled only (Water cooling not available for this unit) and also offers a refrigeration system, heat exchanger, recirculating pump, polyethylene reservoir, and a microprocessor controller. The Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I recirculating chiller offers powerful cooling, expansive temperature ranges, and sophisticated controller technology. They are very simple to use, simply make the plumbing connections, add recirculating fluid, turn on and select the set point temperature. It is that easy to install a ThermoChill system. These robust, compact units offer precise temperature stability and high reliability for external circulation applications. An industrial-grade force and suction pump provides the pressure necessary to circulate fluid long distances to both open containers and closed loop systems. This gives users the flexibility to meet a wide range of application needs.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106027
Price: TT$4,746.64
Plumbing Package, 1/2 MTP, 5/8 inch ID x 25 Foot Long, Recommended for Recirculating Thermo Neslab Chillers. Thermo Neslab Part Number 611000000108 These plumbing packages include 25 feet of 1/2 MTP, 5/8-in ID Polybraid hose with ½-in Thick wall insulation, two ½-in x ½-in MPT fittings, two hose clamps, these kits can be used with Thermo Scientific ThermoChill I, II, and III for both Standard and LR series recirculating chillers. These insulated line kits keep the chilled fluids cold as they circulate between the chiller and product. These plumbing packages come with hose barbs and clamps. Thermo Scientific Part Number 611000000108.
Condition: New
Part Number: P109690
Price: TT$3,821.02
Thermo Scientific Viton Tubing Connection Kit for Accel 500 series, Includes four Clamps and two 5 ft. Viton Tubing, Uninsulated. Thermo Scientific Part Number 1600146. These Thermo Scientific Neslab tubing connection kits are designed to work with the Accel 500 series chillers. Includes four clamps and two 5 ft. Viton tubing, uninsulated. Thermo Scientific Part Number: 1600146.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106022
Price: TT$3,131.03
Thermo Scientific Cable, Interface, USB, 1.8 meters long for Thermo Haake ARCTIC AC200 series. Thermo Scientific Part Number 1600033 These Thermo Scientific interface cables are used to connect the Thermo Haake ARCTIC AC200 series temperature controller via USB port to a desktop or laptop computer. The NC serial communications protocol is based on a master-slave model. The master is a host computer, while the slave is the chiller's controller. Only the master can initiate a communications transaction (half-duplex). The slave ends the transaction by responding to the master’s query. The unit can be controlled through your computer’s serial port, a standard connection now days.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106021
Price: TT$950.27
Thermo Scientific Tubing Connection Kit for Thermo Haake ARCTIC AC200 series, 3/8 & 1/2 inches(8 & 12mm) OD barb. Thermo Scientific Part Number 1600030 These Thermo Scientific Neslab tubing connection kits are designed to work with the Arctic AC200 series chillers.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106023
Price: TT$1,139.18
Thermo Scientific Serial Communication and Interface Cable for RS232/RS485 to ThermoFlex 900, 1400 & 2500, 5 Ft. Thermo Scientific Part Number 1600034 These Thermo Scientific interface cables are used to connect the Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex 900, 1400, & 2500 via RS232/RS485 serial communication interfaces to a desktop or laptop computer. The NC serial communications protocol is based on a master-slave model. The master is a host computer, while the slave is the chiller's controller. Only the master can initiate a communications transaction (half-duplex). The slave ends the transaction by responding to the master’s query. The protocol uses RS-232/RS-485 serial interface with the default parameters: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. RS-485 offers a slave address selection, default parameter: 1. The unit can be controlled through your computer’s serial port by using the unit's standard female 9-pin connection. (RS-232/RS-485 serial interface are optional accessories in some units and are sold separately)
Condition: New
Part Number: P105934
Price: TT$2,094.35
Remote Temp Sensor for bath/circulators Haake ARCTIC AC200 with A25 and A40. Thermo Fisher Part Number 3330429 These Remote Temp Sensor for bath/circulators Haake ARCTIC AC200 with A25 and A40 Recommended for Thermo Scientific Neslab bath/circulators Haake ARCTIC AC200 with A25 and A40. These remote temperature sensor are used to measure the temperature at the product and allow the chiller to adjust coolant temperature reach the target set temperature at the product locations.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106024
Price: TT$7,792.14
NESLAB Thermo Scientific NEScom 4.0 Temperature Control Software (CD)Thermo Neslab Part Number 422000000004 This Thermo Scientific Neslab NESCom 4.0 Software is compatible with ThermoFlex, ThermoChill, RTE/EX, ULT-80, 95 and Merlin Chillers with RS232 Communication - This user freindly software allows you to use your computer (PC) to fully automate the temperature control processes. This Software Enables the Following: Writing of custom temperature programs Choose upper and lower temperature alarm limits Monitor status with an alarm Record results on a user-selectable graph Easy to use product icons Create graphs and charts Easily configure ramping functions over time View pop-up alarm windows which display error conditions View a virtual controller screen Includes CD, Operators Manual and a toll free number to a trained technical staff at Thermo Fisher Scientific (800)258-0830 This Software can only be used with a Windows PC. If your PC does not have a Serial Port you will need a USB to Serial Port Adapter (Sold on this Website). A user''s software manual PDF can be downloaded below from (AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS).
Condition: New
Part Number: P103345
Price: TT$3,696.47
Thermo Scientific Neslab 35 Micron Replacement Filter Bags for ThermoFlex 900 - 5000. 2 Bags Pckg. Thermo Scientific Neslab Part Number: 598000000002 The Thermo Scientific Bag Filter it's designed to prevent the introduction of particulates into the system in ThermoFlex Thermo Chillers. Never fill the unit without the reservoir bag filter in place.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106034
Price: TT$2,286.25
Trolley Assembly for Thermo Scientific Haake ARCTIC A25, A28 Bath. Thermo Fisher Part Number 1600071 These Trolley Assembly for Thermo Scientific Haake ARCTIC A25, A28 Bath provides mobility to these chillers. They come with sturdy castor and brakes on two wheels.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106033
Price: TT$4,350.30
Trolley Assembly with castors for Thermo Scientific Haake ARTIC A40 Bath. Thermo Fisher Part Number 1600070 This Trolley Assembly with castors for Thermo Scientific Haake ARTIC A40 Bath provides mobility to these chillers. They come with sturdy castor and brakes on two wheels.
Condition: New
Part Number: P106032
Price: TT$3,177.68
Adapter M16x1 to 1/4 Inch NPT Male, Pack of 2 each, For Chiller Bath & CirculatorsAC200 A25, AC200 A40. Thermo Scientific Part Number: 1600028 These are adapters for Thermo Scientific Sahara Series Bath Circulators Chillers AC200 A25 and AC200 A40.
Condition: New
Part Number: P1010064
Price: TT$1,641.69