MKS Instruments GAUGE NUDE 1-IR FIL I2R PIN GD, High Accuracy Systems, High Accuracy Systems, PN 274043
MKS Instruments GAUGE NUDE 1-IR FIL I2R PIN GD, High Accuracy Systems, High Accuracy Systems, PN 274043
These MKS Instruments GAUGE NUDE 1-IR FIL I2R PIN GD have part number 274043, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. A wide range vacuum products And accessories are available from MKS-Instruments.
More information about these MKS Instruments GAUGE NUDE 1-IR FIL I2R PIN GD can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 274043.
Product: MKS Instruments GAUGE NUDE 1-IR FIL I2R PIN GD, High Accuracy Systems, High Accuracy Systems, PN 274043
Condition: New
Warranty: MKS Instruments Warranty
Part Number: 274043
Sale Price: ₺35,151.37
Currency Turkish Lira (TRY)
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