Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps INLET FILTER,2 MNPT OUT,135 MAX CFM, Inlet Filter Assemblies, Inlet Filter Assemblies, PN F-231P-200
Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps INLET FILTER,2 MNPT OUT,135 MAX CFM, Inlet Filter Assemblies, Inlet Filter Assemblies, PN F-231P-200
These Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps INLET FILTER,2 MNPT OUT,135 MAX CFM have part number F-231P-200, are new, and come with full Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps warranty. F Series: It has a durable weatherproof housings and ample surface area which provides long lasting filtration. Industrial, severe & extreme duty models are in stock. Stainless steel filter assemblies are available.
More information about these Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps INLET FILTER,2 MNPT OUT,135 MAX CFM can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the F-231P-200.
Product: Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps INLET FILTER,2 MNPT OUT,135 MAX CFM, Inlet Filter Assemblies, Inlet Filter Assemblies, PN F-231P-200
Condition: New
Warranty: Ideal Vacuum Filters and Traps Warranty
Part Number: F-231P-200
Sale Price: ₺10,358.59
Currency Turkish Lira (TRY)