KNF 30 l/min, 10 Torr PVDF and PTFE Diaphragm Pump, Standard Lab. Vacuum Pumps & Compressors, Standard Lab. Vacuum Pumps & Compressors, PN N035.3TTP-HIFLOW
These KNF 30 l/min, 10 Torr PVDF and PTFE Diaphragm Pump have part number N035.3TTP-HIFLOW, are new, and come with full KNF warranty. The diaphragm vacuum pumps and compressors from KNF are based on a simple principle - an elastic diaphragm, fixed on its edge, moves up and down its central point by means of an eccentric. In this way the medium is transferred using automatic valves. Features include: pure transfer, evacuation, and compression of air, gases, and vapors; maintenance-free; corrosion resistant models; high level of gas tightness; long product life; very quiet and little vibration; can operate in any installed position.
More information about these KNF 30 l/min, 10 Torr PVDF and PTFE Diaphragm Pump can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the N035.3TTP-HIFLOW.