KNF 34l/min, 6Torr, 15psig Fully Automatic, Multi User LABOBASE Vacuum System, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SBC840
KNF 34l/min, 6Torr, 15psig Fully Automatic, Multi User LABOBASE Vacuum System, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SBC840
These KNF 34l/min, 6Torr, 15psig Fully Automatic, Multi User LABOBASE Vacuum System have part number SBC840, are new, and come with full KNF warranty. The LABOBASE vacuum system is a fully-automatic, chemically-resistant base unit supplies vacuum for several laboratory workplaces. This reduces costs and makes more space available on the laboratory bench. The base unit switches itself off automatically when no vacuum is required. The LABOBASE features are: maintenance-free; silent; more room on the laboratory bench; fully-automatic vacuum generation for several users; vacuum supply points with regulated tapping; simple connection to the line power (power plug) and to the pneumatic system; environmentally friendly; chemically-resistant.
More information about these KNF 34l/min, 6Torr, 15psig Fully Automatic, Multi User LABOBASE Vacuum System can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the SBC840.
Product: KNF 34l/min, 6Torr, 15psig Fully Automatic, Multi User LABOBASE Vacuum System, Vacuum Pumping Systems, Vacuum Pumping Systems, PN SBC840
Condition: New
Warranty: KNF Warranty
Part Number: SBC840
Sale Price: ₺362,828.19
Currency Turkish Lira (TRY)