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Pfeiffer ASM340 Leak Detectors On Sale Ideal Vacuum XG-120 Digital Thermocouple Gauges On Sale Ideal Vacuum XG-110 Portable Digital Thermocouple Controllers On Sale Agilent IDP-10 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Ideal Vacuum XGC-320 Portable Digital Thermocouple Controllers On Sale Agilent TriScroll Pumps On Sale

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× Bombas de vácuo Câmaras de vácuo modulares Câmaras de vácuo em aço inoxidável Câmaras de vácuo de alumínio ExploraVAC Câmaras Ilimitadas ExploraVAC Câmaras de Vácuo Conexões e Flanges Passatempos Válvulas de Vácuo Kits de reconstrução, peças e motores Vácuo Fluidos, Óleos e Graxas Turbobombas e controladores Filtros armadilhas e silenciadores Fornos de Convecção e Vácuo Detecção de vazamento e RGA Vácuo Pressão Medição Resfriadores e Banhos de Água Recirculantes

Bombas de vácuo multi raízes secas

20% OFF

Bombas secas da série Edwards ??XR??

Bombas secas da série Edwards ??XR?? Cover Image
5% OFF

Bombas Secas Pfeiffer Série ACP

Bombas Secas Pfeiffer Série ACP Cover Image
15% OFF

Bombas Secas Leybold ECODRY Series

Bombas Secas Leybold ECODRY Series Cover Image
10% OFF

Bombas secas da série Ebara EV

Bombas secas da série Ebara EV Cover Image

Dry rotary lobe vacuum pumps are ideal for clean, maintenance-free, roughing pump applications. These pumps differ from the conventional rotary blower in that lubricants are isolated from the vacuum environment. We carry new and rebuilt multistage, dry rotary lobe vacuum pump units from Alcatel Adixen, Ebara, and Leybold for both normal or corrosive atmospheres. Please contact us if your pump requires professional service.
Marca de agua con el logotipo de Ideal Vacuum
Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, Novo México 87109-5805 USA

Telefone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001