Yamato Steel stirring shaft (DIA10mm L800mm) for LR400/500, Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN LR41AY0002
Yamato Steel stirring shaft (DIA10mm L800mm) for LR400/500, Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN LR41AY0002
These Yamato Steel stirring shaft (DIA10mm L800mm) for LR400/500 have part number LR41AY0002 , are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. A variety of accessories are available to accompany Laboratory Stirrers. This collection includes: stand and rod set, stirring shafts, blade propellers, clamp, and vacuum adapter.
More information about these Yamato Steel stirring shaft (DIA10mm L800mm) for LR400/500 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the LR41AY0002 .
Product: Yamato Steel stirring shaft (DIA10mm L800mm) for LR400/500, Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN LR41AY0002
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: LR41AY0002
Sale Price: L13,800.12
Currency Albanian Lek (ALL)