Yamato MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HOT PLATE X 6 (300~1500 rpm) 115V with external transformer , Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN MG-600H-115V
Yamato MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HOT PLATE X 6 (300~1500 rpm) 115V with external transformer , Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN MG-600H-115V
These Yamato MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HOT PLATE X 6 (300~1500 rpm) 115V with external transformer have part number MG-600H-115V, are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. Laboratory Stirrer comes in a few different Series. The LM Series compact design flask mixer features integrated drive and stirring seal allowing direct installation of flask and stirring in a vacuum and sealed state. No time-consuming shaft alignment required. Its strong stirring power is perfect for samples of high volume and high viscosity. LM100/110 is designed with manual type rotation speed while LM200/210 is equipped with digital indicator. The MH301/800 Hot plate is a strong stirrer with ceramic coating material. It is made of chemical resistant, heat conductive aluminum with ceramic coating Stirrable for high viscosity sample Volume knob type temperature control. LT series stirrers include LT400A and LT500A with higher torque, LT400B and LT500B with well-balanced speed and torque, and LT400C and LT400D with high speed to support different applications. Highly sensitive feedback system keeps the set speed even with changing viscosity during stir Maintenance free DC brushless motor Digital speed indicator for accurate speed setting and confirmation Noise prevention measures for optimal work environment More safety-oriented design.
More information about these Yamato MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HOT PLATE X 6 (300~1500 rpm) 115V with external transformer can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the MG-600H-115V.
Product: Yamato MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HOT PLATE X 6 (300~1500 rpm) 115V with external transformer , Laboratory Stirrers, Laboratory Stirrers, PN MG-600H-115V
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: MG-600H-115V
Sale Price: Fr. 2,995.72
Currency Swiss Franc (CHF)