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The Ethernet-enabled e-Baratron® adds the ability to network with Ethernet hubs and other devices for local or network diagnostics without disassembly or removal from the host system. e-Baratrons® embedded internet browser software allows them to communicate with any Windows®-based PC. The Ethernet port operates in parallel with analog communications, so it can be diagnosed during processing. The 627E e-Baratron® has an LED status indicator. High-accuracy semiconductor, flat panel display, and industrial applications that require a heated manometer for repeatable vacuum and pressure measurement.

More information about these
MKS Instruments 627P01MDC1B, XDCR, 1MBAR, KF-16, .12%RDG, THRD LKS, PROFIBUS, Absolute Process Measurement - Controlled to 45°C, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 45°C,  PN  627H01MDC4B



MKS Instruments 627P01MDC1B, XDCR, 1MBAR, KF-16, .12%RDG, THRD LKS, PROFIBUS, Absolute Process Measurement - Controlled to 45°C, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 45°C,  PN  627H01MDC4B

These MKS Instruments 627P01MDC1B, XDCR, 1MBAR, KF-16, .12%RDG, THRD LKS, PROFIBUS  have part number 627H01MDC4B, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. The Ethernet-enabled e-Baratron® adds the ability to network with Ethernet hubs and other devices for local or network diagnostics without disassembly or removal from the host system. e-Baratrons® embedded internet browser software allows them to communicate with any Windows®-based PC. The Ethernet port operates in parallel with analog communications, so it can be diagnosed during processing. The 627E e-Baratron® has an LED status indicator. High-accuracy semiconductor, flat panel display, and industrial applications that require a heated manometer for repeatable vacuum and pressure measurement.

More information about these MKS Instruments 627P01MDC1B, XDCR, 1MBAR, KF-16, .12%RDG, THRD LKS, PROFIBUS  can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 627H01MDC4B.


Product: MKS Instruments 627P01MDC1B, XDCR, 1MBAR, KF-16, .12%RDG, THRD LKS, PROFIBUS, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 45°C, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 45°C,  PN  627H01MDC4B

Condition: New
Warranty: MKS Instruments Warranty
Part Number: 627H01MDC4B
Sale Price: Kr22,233.53

Currency Danish Krone (DKK)



  MKS 600 Series Selection Guide - Baratron Absolute Capacitance Manometers Data Sheet.pdf (0.7 MB)
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  MKS 622C, 626C, 623B Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducers Instruction Manual.pdf (0.7 MB)
  MKS 622D, 623H, 626D Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducers Instruction Manual.pdf (0.73 MB)
  MKS 622D, 626D Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducers Datasheet.pdf (2.25 MB)
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  MKS 625F Baratron Absolute Capacitance Manometer Temperature Controlled w/Trip Points Data Sheet.pdf (0.3 MB)
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  MKS 626-628 Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducers Pin-out.pdf (0.02 MB)
  MKS 627E, 628E, E27E, E28E, e-Baratron Temperature Controlled, Ethernet Enabled Capacitance Manometer Data Sheet.pdf (0.3 MB)
  MKS 627H Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Datasheet.pdf (2.19 MB)
  MKS 627H Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Dimensions.pdf (0.13 MB)
  MKS 627H Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.57 MB)
  MKS 627H Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Pin-out.pdf (0.02 MB)
  MKS 628F Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.6 MB)
  MKS 628F Baratron Temperature Regulated Capacitance Manometer Data Sheet.pdf (0.2 MB)
  MKS 629F Baratron Temperature Regulated Capacitance Manometer Data Sheet.pdf (0.18 MB)
  MKS 62xC/E2xC Baratron Capacitance Manometer w/Ethernet Interface Instruction Manual.pdf (1.4 MB)
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  MKS 722A Baratron Absolute Pressure Transducer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.6 MB)
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  MKS CV762xD Baratron Capacitance Manometer Isolation System Data Sheet.pdf (0.2 MB)
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  MKS D25F Baratron Dual-Range Manometer Temperature Controlled w/Trip Points Data Sheet.pdf (0.15 MB)
  MKS D27D Dual Range Absolute Pressure Transducer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.4 MB)
  MKS D27F Baratron Dual-Range manometer Temperature Controlled Data Sheet.pdf (0.15 MB)
  MKS D28D Baratron Dual Range Absolute Pressure Transducer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.44 MB)
  MKS D28F Baratron Dual Range manometer Temperature Controlled Data Sheet.pdf (0.15 MB)
  MKS DMA Capacitance Manometer with DeviceNet Digital Interface Instruction Manual.pdf (0.63 MB)
  MKS E27F Absolute Pressure Etch Manometer Instruction Manual.pdf (0.6 MB)
  MKS E27F Baratron Temperature Regulated Capacitance Manometer w/Etch Sensor Data Sheet.pdf (0.2 MB)
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

Phone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001