Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Stokes Microvac Clapper Valve, Stainless Steel For 212H-11,412H-11,212J,412J,148H-11,149H-11, Stokes, Stokes, PN 272963002
These Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Stokes Microvac Clapper Valve, Stainless Steel For 212H-11,412H-11,212J,412J,148H-11,149H-11 have part number 272963002, are new, and come with full Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts warranty. Ideal Vacuum offers high quality repair kits and spare parts for a wide range of Stokes Rotary Piston, Rotary Vane and Rotary Lobe Booster Vacuum Pumps. All Ideal Vacuum parts are guaranteed to meet or exceed OEM specifications and we use precision engineered, high quality parts in all our vacuum pump repair kits. The Ideal Vacuum range of replacement parts covers oil-sealed rotary piston Stokes MicroVac vacuum pump models including 148H, 149H, 212H, 212J, 412H & 412J. Repair kits and parts are available for Stokes MicroVane direct drive rotary vane vacuum pump models including 005, 009, 013, 017 & 023. Ideal Vacuum also offers repair kits and parts for Stokes rotary lobe mechanical booster models 306, 310, 607, 615 & 622.
More information about these Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts Stokes Microvac Clapper Valve, Stainless Steel For 212H-11,412H-11,212J,412J,148H-11,149H-11 can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 272963002.