MKS Instruments CLAMP,1-CLAW,NW63-100,AL, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100761006
MKS Instruments CLAMP,1-CLAW,NW63-100,AL, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100761006
These MKS Instruments CLAMP,1-CLAW,NW63-100,AL have part number 100761006, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. Series 76 ISO-Universal components are a vacuum flanging system for 63 mm to 1000 mm fittings. The dimension criteria are based on requirements established by the International Standards Organizations (ISO). There are two flanges styles in the ISO-Universal system: Multi-Fastener (MF) and Bolted. The flange family is also called: ISO-MF, ISO-PF or ISO-K. The Series 76 ISO-Universal component system is used in a variety of industries from process manufacturing to semiconductor fabrication to thin film deposition. Some uses in vacuum systems are:
• Roughing and fore line plumbing for large vacuum systems
• High vacuum, high conductance, interconnections
• Modular systems which will be modified frequently
• Experimental systems in research laboratories
More information about these
MKS Instruments CLAMP,1-CLAW,NW63-100,AL can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 100761006.
Product: MKS Instruments CLAMP,1-CLAW,NW63-100,AL, Fittings & Components, Fittings & Components, PN 100761006
Condition: New
Warranty: MKS Instruments Warranty
Part Number: 100761006
Sale Price: NZ$7.31
Currency New Zealand Dollar (NZD)