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Inficon BCG450 Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm High Vacuum Triple Gauge, LCD Display, DN 25 ISO-KF. PN: 353-552
In Stock

Inficon BCG450 Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge, NW25 KF25 Fitting, reads Torr, mbar or Pa, D Sub 15 pin Connector, 0.774 - 10.3 V Measurement Range, LCD Display. Inficon Part Number: 353-552. This is a Inficon BCG450 Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge. The Inficon BCG450, combines the advantages of three different technologies in a single, compact, economical package. The BCG450 is designed to take the place of three sensors (hot ion, convection enhanced Pirani and vacuum switch), thus reducing cost and valuable tool space.This Gauge can measure process and base pressure from 5×10-10 to 1500 mbar (3.75×10-10 to 1125 Torr). It comes with an LCD Display. For complete specifications see the Downloads section. This Inficon BCG450 Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BCG 450 Gauge see the Brochure .pdf and for complete Operation Instructions see the Instruction Manual .pdf, both at the side of this ad in Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011012

Price: €2,515.46

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BCG 450-SE Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge, KF25, 15 pin, EtherCat. PN: 353-592
Out of Stock

Inficon BCG450-SE Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge, NW25 KF25 Fitting, reads Torr, mbar or Pa, D Sub 15 pin Connector, 0.774 - 10.3 V Measurement Range, Ethercat Interface. Inficon Part Number: 353-592. This is a Inficon Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge BCG450-SE. The INFICON BCG450-SE, combines the advantages of three different technologies in a single, compact, economical package. The BCG450-SE is designed to take the place of three sensors (hot ion, convection enhanced Pirani and vacuum switch), thus reducing cost and valuable tool space.This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and a 0.774 - 10V Measurement Range with 2 set points and EtherCAT Interface. This Gauge can measure process and base pressure from 5×10-10 to 1500 mbar (3.75×10-10 to 1125 Torr). This Inficon BCG 450-SE Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Ultra High Vacuum Triple Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector and EtherCAT Interface. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BCG 450-SE UHV Gauge see the Brochure .pdf and for complete Operation Instructions see the Instruction Manual .pdf, both at the side of this ad in Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P109312

Price: €2,230.14

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG 402-SD Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination UHV Gauge, 2 filaments, KF25, 2 Setpoints. PN: 353-576
Out of Stock
Expecting 3
Anticipated Arrival 2 on 2025-04-11

Inficon BPG 402-SD Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, KF25, two yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments, reads Torr, mbar or Pa, D Sub 15 pin Connector, 0.774 - 10V Measurement Range, DeviceNET. Inficon Part Number: 353-576. This is a Inficon Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge BPG 402-SD. The Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG 402-SD functions as two gauges in a single compact unit. Combining technologies reduces the complexity of installation, setup, and integration. Two long-life yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments for affordable and repeatable process to base pressure measurements in one economical package. Sensing elements with onboard calibration data guarantees high reproducibility when exchanging sensors.This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and a +0.774... +10V Measurement Range with DNET interface and 2 setpoints. This Gauge has and extremely wide measurement range from 5×10-10 mbar to atmosphere (3.8×10-10 Torr to atmosphere). This Inficon BPG 402-SD Combination Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector and DNET Interface. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG 401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG 402-SD Gauge See the Datasheet and Operation Manual.pdf at Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011488

Price: €2,634.23

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG402-S Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to UHV Gauge, 2 filaments, DN40 CFR CF 2.75 in, D Sub 15 pin. PN: 353-571
In Stock

Inficon BPG402-S Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN40 CFR CF 2.75 in Fitting, two yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments, reads Torr, mbar or Pa, D Sub 15 pin Connector, 0.774 - 10V Measurement Range Inficon Part Number: 353-571. This is a Inficon Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge BPG 402-S. The Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG402-S, functions as two gauges in a single compact unit. Combining technologies reduces the complexity of installation, setup, and integration. The BPG402-S has two yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments for affordable and repeatable process to base pressure measurements in one economical package. Sensing elements with onboard calibration data guarantees high reproducibility when exchanging sensors.This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector. This Gauge has a Pressure Measurement Range of 5×10-10 mbar to atmosphere (3.8×10-10 Torr to atmosphere). This Inficon BPG402-S Combination Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG402-S Gauge see the Brochure .pdf and for complete Operation Instructions see the Instruction Manual .pdf, both at the side of this ad in Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011238

Price: €2,351.04

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG402-SE Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination UHV Gauge, 2 filaments, DN40 CF-R CF 2.75 in, D Sub 15 pin, EtherCAT. PN: 353-591
Out of Stock

Inficon BPG 402-SE Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN40CFR CF 2.75 in Fitting, two yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments, reads Torr, mbar or Pa, D Sub 15 pin Connector, 0.774 - 10V Measurement Range, Ethercat Interface. Inficon Part Number: 353-591. This is a Inficon Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge BPG402-SE. The Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG402-SE, functions as two gauges in a single compact unit. Combining technologies reduces the complexity of installation, setup, and integration. The BPG402-SE has two yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments for affordable and repeatable process to base pressure measurements in one economical package. Sensing elements with onboard calibration data guarantees high reproducibility when exchanging sensors.This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and a 0.774 - 10V Measurement Range with EtherCAT Interface. This Gauge has a Pressure Measurement Range of 5×10-10 mbar to atmosphere (3.8×10-10 Torr to atmosphere). This Inficon BPG402SE Combination Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector and EtherCAT Interface. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG 402SE Gauge see the Brochure .pdf and for complete Operation Instructions see the Instruction Manual .pdf, both at the side of this ad in Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P109311

Price: €1,994.85

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG402-S Bayard-Alpert Pirani Wide Range Vacuum Gauge, KF-25. PN: 353-570
Out of Stock

Inficon BPG402-S Bayard-Alpert Pirani UHV Wide Range Vacuum Gauge. PN: 353-570, KF-25. Inficon Part Number 353-576 This is a Inficon Pirani Combination Ultra High Vacuum Gauge BPG402-S. The Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG402-S functions as two gauges in a single compact unit. Combining technologies reduces the complexity of installation, setup, and integration. Two long-life yttrium oxide coated iridium filaments for affordable and repeatable process to base pressure measurements in one economical package. Sensing elements with onboard calibration data guarantees high reproducibility when exchanging sensors.This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and a +0.774... +10V Measurement Range with DNET interface and 2 setpoints. This Gauge has and extremely wide measurement range from 5×10-10 mbar to atmosphere (3.8×10-10 Torr to atmosphere). This Inficon BPG402-S Combination Gauge can work with virtually any Vacuum Pump or Vacuum Pump System with the proper Inficon signal cable. This gauge has a D-Sub15-pin Connector and DNET Interface. The gauge is intended for operation in connection with an Inficon Vacuum Gauge Controller VCG401, 402, 403 or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG402-SD Gauge See the Datasheet and Operation Manual.pdf at Downloads.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011982

Price: €1,976.44

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN40 CF-R CF 2.75 in. PN: 353-502
In Stock

Inficon BPG400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN40 CF-R CF 2.75 in. Fitting. Inficon Part Number: 353-502. This Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG400, functions as two gauges in a single compact unit and measures from 5x10-10 mbar (3.75x10-10 Torr) to atmosphere. The gauge uses a long-life yttrium oxide coated iridium filament and has Pirani interlocks which protects the Bayard-Alpert system from premature filament burnout and excess contamination from high pressure operation. Combining these two technologies Pirani and bayard-Alpert) reduces the complexity of installation, setup, integration and cost. This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and can work with virtually any vacuum pump or vacuum pump system with the proper signal cable. The gauge is intended for operation with an Inficon VCG401, 402, 403 vacuum gauge controller or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG400 gauge, please download the brochure here.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011033

Price: €1,923.50

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon BPG400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN25 ISO-KF. PN: 353-500
In Stock

Inficon BPG400BA Bayard-Alpert Pirani Gauge ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN25 ISO-KF. Inficon Part Number: 353-500. This Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauge, BPG400, functions as two gauges in a single compact unit and measures from 5x10-10 mbar (3.8x10-10 Torr to atmosphere). The gauge uses a long-life yttrium oxide coated iridium filament and has Pirani interlocks which protects the Bayard-Alpert system from premature filament burnout and excess contamination from high pressure operation. Combining these two technologies Pirani and bayard-Alpert reduces the complexity of installation, setup, integration and cost. This Gauge has a D Sub 15 pin Connector and can work with virtually any vacuum pump or vacuum pump system with the proper signal cable. The gauge is intended for operation with an Inficon VCG401, 402, 403 vacuum gauge controller or with another suitable controller. For complete specifications of the BPG400 gauge, please see downloads below.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1013794

Price: €1,888.21

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon Spare Sensor for BPG 400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN 25, ISO KF-25. PN: 354-490.
Out of Stock
Expecting 1
Anticipated Arrival 1 on 2025-04-26

Inficon Spare Sensor for BPG 400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN 25, ISO KF-25. Inficon Part Number: 354-490. This is a spare sensor head for all Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauges, model BPG400 (gauge not included). It has a KF-25 fitting and can be used either as a direct replacement or to change a different BPG 400 gauge fitting to KF-25. For complete specifications of the BPG 400 gauge, please download the brochure.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1011153

Price: €837.61

Currency: Euro (Euro)

Inficon Spare Sensor for BPG 400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN 40, CF 2.75 in. PN: 354-491
In Stock

Inficon Spare Sensor for BPG 400 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination ATM to Ultra High Vacuum Gauge, DN 40, CF 2.75 inches. Inficon Part Number: 354-491. This is a spare sensor head for all Inficon Bayard-Alpert Pirani Combination Gauges, model BPG 400 (gauge not included). It has a CF 2.75 in. (DN40) fitting and can be used either as a direct replacement or to change a different BPG 400 gauge fitting to CF 2.75 in. For complete specifications of the BPG 400 gauge, please download the brochure.

Condition: New

Part Number: P1012413

Price: €958.74

Currency: Euro (Euro)
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

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