MKS Instruments XDCR, 1T, 8VCR F SHORT, .50% ,150 DEG C, Absolute Process Measurement - Controlled to 100°C, Absolute Process Measurement Controlled to 100°C, PN 631F01TBFHBB
These MKS Instruments XDCR, 1T, 8VCR F SHORT, .50% ,150 DEG C have part number 631F01TBFHBB, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. The 628F Baratron® manometer is temperature controlled to 100°C, accurate to 0.25% of Reading and includes updated temperature control electronics to provide superior long-term stability and repeatability. Optional heater and temperature status LED/switches indicate that the heater (which maintains the sensor temperature to 100°C) is in control. This capacitance manometer is available in Full Scale ranges down to 50 mTorr (0.07 mbar) to accommodate today's lower process pressures. Based on established Baratron® capacitance manometer technology, the sensor's wetted surfaces are Inconel® for excellent resistance to corrosive gases. The contemporary stainless steel package provides a cleanroom-compatible product. The product is interchangeable with earlier Types 128 and 628 Baratron capacitance manometers and can be used with MKS power supplies, display units and pressure controllers, or the user's compatible power supply/readout devices.
More information about these MKS Instruments XDCR, 1T, 8VCR F SHORT, .50% ,150 DEG C can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 631F01TBFHBB.