Yamato FORCED CONVECTION DRY STERILIZER 300L 115V, UP TO 210°C MAX TEMP , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN SK-801
Yamato FORCED CONVECTION DRY STERILIZER 300L 115V, UP TO 210°C MAX TEMP , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN SK-801
These Yamato FORCED CONVECTION DRY STERILIZER 300L 115V, UP TO 210°C MAX TEMP have part number SK-801, are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. High-performance, easy operation and ergonomically designed sterilizer featuring easy top loading and handling of samples. The Natural Convection Dry sterilizer is programmable. Some of its functions and features are: temperature controller with better operability; digital setting by main menu and keys for fixed temperature, program, quick auto start operations; standard equipped with calibration off-set, lock function, and power failure recovery mode; and is standardly equipped with self-diagnostic functions, earth leakage breaker and overheat prevention device. The Natural and Forced Dry Sterilizer is an independent overheat prevention device. Some of its functions and features are: programmable; high precision controller with improved display visibility and operability; standard equipped with calibration off-set, lock function, power recovery mode, power on and more; and easy simple data collection with data port.
More information about these Yamato FORCED CONVECTION DRY STERILIZER 300L 115V, UP TO 210°C MAX TEMP can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the SK-801.
Product: Yamato FORCED CONVECTION DRY STERILIZER 300L 115V, UP TO 210°C MAX TEMP , Sterilizers, Sterilizers, PN SK-801
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: SK-801
Sale Price: $13,289.39
Currency Australian Dollars (AUD)
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