MKS Instruments 97X REPLACEMENT KIT FOR GAUGE INTERNALS, Absolute Process Measurement - Ambient Temp, Absolute Process Measurement Ambient Temp, PN 970BNT-KIT
These MKS Instruments 97X REPLACEMENT KIT FOR GAUGE INTERNALS have part number 970BNT-KIT, are new, and come with full MKS Instruments warranty. The 974B QuadMag™ vacuum transducer combines cold cathode inverted magnetron, MicroPirani™ and Piezo differential vacuum sensor technologies. In addition to its small size, broad range and lower cost, the 974B can be operated via digital communication or as an autonomous analog unit. The 974 has been specifically designed for pressure measurement within a vacuum load lock. It has the capability to replace multiple pressure measurement devices on load locks or any vacuum chamber requiring both absolute pressure measurement and atmospheric switching capabilities.
More information about theseMKS Instruments 97X REPLACEMENT KIT FOR GAUGE INTERNALS can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the 970BNT-KIT.