Keyword Part Number:
Cambridge Mill Products CMP 57 Vacuum Pump Oil, 1 Gallon, Replaces Stokes V Lube F & Kinney KV100 with the addition of additives CMP 57 is a high purity paraffinic oil that provides excellent lubrication, low varnish forming tendencies and superior water separating properties. CMP 57 is a severely hydro-treated paraffinic oil put through a molecular distillation process to remove light end fractions and contain a complex additive package that aids in gas ballasting off water vapor and prevents the accumulation of varnish, particulate and sludge on the internal components of the vacuum pump. The use of CMP 57 fluid in high particulate or water vapor applications will increase the service life of your pump and allow for less extensive and lower cost repairs. For MSDS Sheet see AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS: below. CMP 57 Can be Used in: ROTARY PISON PUMPS from 150 cfm to 300 cfm with operating temperatures up to 160 °F.
Condition: New
Part Number: P103604
Price: Fr. 122.79