FerroTec 1.75" Hollow Shaft, Reactive Gas and Water Cooled, 8" Ferro Flange Mount Diameter, Ferrofluidic seal, Rotary Feedthrough, Model HS-1750-CFFCWP.
FerroTec PN: 107425.
This is a 1.75" water cooled hollow shaft Ferrotec Ferrofluidic seal feedthrough model HS-1750-CFFCWP, Part Number: 107425. It is designed for standard and reactive environments like reactive thin film deposition process chambers. The flange thickness is 0.5", shaft starting torque at 100 rpm is 800 in-oz, and a running torque of 473 in-oz. the limiting speed is 1560 rpm.
Full dimensional details are specified below. For precision measurement specifications, refer to the Spec Control Drawing.