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 241083 Stainless solid basket for SM201/211, SN200C/210C Ft120,441.41
 241084 Stainless solid basket for SM301/311/501/511, SN300C/310C/500C/510C Ft122,389.72
 241087 Mesh basket for SM201/211, SN200C/210C Ft89,403.34
 241088 Mesh basket for SM301/311/501/511 Ft116,552.10
 241089 Mesh basket for SM501/511 Ft138,136.36
 241090 Mesh basket with 2 stacking fittings for SQ500C/510C/810C, SM520/530/820/830 Ft379,864.06
 241091 Mesh basket with 3 stacking fittings for SM501/511, SN500C/510C Ft364,314.07
 241092 Mesh basket with 2 stacking fittings for SM301/311, SN300C/310C Ft284,506.56
 241094 Mesh basket with 2 adjustable stainless steel perforated plate for SM501/511, SN500C/510C Ft293,610.77
 241095 Mesh basket with 1 adjustable stainless steel perforated plate for SM301/311, SN300C/310C Ft246,953.52
 241096 Mesh basket with 1 adjustable stainless steel perforated plate for SM201/211, SN200C/210C Ft194,713.56
 241097 Mesh basket with 1 adjustable stainless steel perforated plate SQ500C/510C/810C, SM520/530/820/830 Ft311,819.19
 241150 Stainless bucket for SM201/211, SN200C/210C Ft189,964.80
 241151 Stainless bucket for SM301/311/501/511, SN300C/310C/500C/510C Ft227,958.49
 241152 Stainless bucket for SQ500C/510C/810C, SM520/530/820/830 Ft298,162.88
 241153 Chamber temperature sensor for SN/SQ, Type T thermocouple 3 pieces/set (OSR-70) Ft156,719.87
 241154 Sample temperature sensor for SN/SQ, Type T thermocouple 1 piece (OSN16) Ft128,260.11
 7260000006 Drain bottle 5L for SM Series Ft50,273.45
 A990201303 Stainless rack for SK301C/311C Ft116,552.10
 A990201304 Stainless rack for SK201C/211C Ft104,949.69
 A990201305 Stainless rack for SK102C/112C Ft101,085.86
 H060101047 Mesh basket for SN300C/310C/500C/510C Ft116,552.10
 H060101048 Mesh basket for SQ500C/510C Ft170,969.78
 H060103033 Mesh basket for SQ810C/SM820/830 Ft175,718.54
 H060601028 Mesh basket for SQL810C Ft175,718.54
 H060602006 Mesh basket for SQL1010C Ft180,467.29
 LT00014596 Drain bottle 5L for SN & SQ Series Ft33,499.85
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

Phone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001