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Edwards nEXT300D TStations On Sale Agilent IDP-7 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Agilent Varian Helium Leak Detectors On Sale Agilent TriScroll Pumps On Sale Agilent IDP-15 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Edwards nXR Multi Stage Roots Pumps On Sale

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× Vacuum Pumps Modular Vacuum Chambers Stainless Steel Vacuum Chambers Aluminum Vacuum Chambers ExploraVAC Unlimited Chambers ExploraVAC TVAC Systems Fittings and Flanges Feedthroughs Vacuum Valves Rebuild Kits, Parts, And Motors Vacuum Fluids, Oils, and Greases Turbo Pumps And Controllers Filters Traps and Silencers Convection and Vacuum Ovens Leak Detection and RGA Vacuum Pressure Measurement Recirculating Chillers And Water Baths



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Product Description

Sale Price

 000346 Muffler G1/8 RM116.12
 007005 Muffler NZ10 R1/8 RM212.49
 007006 Muffler NZ20 R1/8 RM230.92
 007007 Muffler NZ30 R1/4 RM259.54
 045993 Muffler NZ40 G3/8 RM487.67
 056366 Muffler for 3/8 ID Tubing RM170.84
 117121 SC System Coolant Valve RM3,995.25
 57953 500ml Woulfe''s bottle with Erlenmeyer Shape RM4,463.82
 57954 P1011597 1000ml Woulfe''s bottle with Erlenmeyer Shape RM5,189.75
 72233 Muffler 1/8NPT RM52.63
 N800 Inlet / Exhaust Glass Separator with Cup RM2,651.92
 NH800P High Efficiency Condenser Assembly RM3,563.05
 NP800 System Baseplate RM2,277.63
 SB810/820 Pump Mounting Adapter for the N810 and N820 models RM900.90
 SB840/842 Pump Mounting Adapter for the N840 and N842 models RM900.90
 UST800 400 ml Dry Ice Trap RM4,304.50
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

Phone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001