Now with an integral pump controller managing the supply of current to a three-phase electric motor in accordance with
operating conditions. The controller monitors power and temperature, and will protect the pump in the event of
operation under sustained high load or under fault conditions.
The controller provides the user interface. The pump may be operated in Manual mode, using the buttons on the interface panel, with a unique feature to control the speed of the pump in Standby Mode to 70% of full speed or with other buttons to increase or decrease pump speed to save wear and tear on tip seals and bearing service life; or a Remote Mode, via serial communications; or a digital and analogue process control (parallel) mode, via the 15-way D-type logic interface connector.
To pump high vapor loads, gas ballast can be delivered into the pump to prevent condensation of the vapor carried by the pumped gases.
The logic interface has been designed to support both serial control, parallel control and monitoring, operating through one connector. For serial control either RS232 or RS485 can be selected.