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Adixen 2021C2 Pumps On Sale Agilent IDP-10 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Edwards nEXT300D TStations On Sale Agilent IDP-15 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Ideal Vacuum XG-120 Digital Thermocouple Gauges On Sale Agilent Varian Helium Leak Detectors On Sale

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 EW300 EXT.WARRANTY INDS 12M TURBO 300L/S-CLASS $2,086.56(being discontinued)
 EW550 EXT.WARRANTY INDS 12M TURBO 550L/S-CLASS $2,073.60(being discontinued)
 EW70 EXT.WARRANTY INDS 12M TURBO 70L/S-CLASS $1,160.95(being discontinued)
 EW700 EXT.WARRANTY INDS 12M TURBO 700L/S-CLASS $2,209.20(being discontinued)
 EW81 EXTENDED WARRANTY 12M TURBO 80L/S CLASS $1,175.59(being discontinued)
 EW919UHV2P EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M 4UHV CTRL 1-2 PUMP $503.90(being discontinued)
 EW919UHV4P EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M 4UHV CTRL 3-4 PUMP $613.45(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP150 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 150 L/S $627.53(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP20 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 20 L/S $175.27(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP300 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 300 L/S $783.00(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP40 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 40 L/S $208.13(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP500 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 500 L/S $975.00(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP55 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 55 L/S $264.47(being discontinued)
 EW919VIP75 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M ION PUMP 75 L/S $323.94(being discontinued)
 EW929MINIVAC EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M MINIVAC CTRL $146.32(being discontinued)
 EW929TSP EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M TSP CTRL $208.13(being discontinued)
 EW949HCP101 Ext. Warranty 12M HC R. Vane Pump MS101 $389.67(being discontinued)
 EW949HCP301 Ext. Warranty 12M HC R. Vane Pump MS301 $635.36(being discontinued)
 EW949HCP631 Ext. Warranty 12M HC R. Vane Pump MS631 $758.99(being discontinued)
 EW949RP1400 Ext.Warranty 12M Roots Pumps 751 to 1401 $758.99(being discontinued)
 EW949RP3000 Ext.Warranty 12M Roots Pumps 2001 & 3001 $1,074.58(being discontinued)
 EW949RP4000 Extended Warranty 12M Roots Pump 4001 $1,669.80(being discontinued)
 EW949RP500 Ext. Warranty 12M Roots Pumps 181 to 501 $635.36(being discontinued)
 EW949RV1XX EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M R.VANE 100 CLASS $247.26(being discontinued)
 EW949RV2XX EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M R.VANE 200 CLASS $294.20(being discontinued)
 EW949RV3XX EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M R.VANE 300 CLASS $317.68(being discontinued)
 EW949RV4XX EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M R.VANE 400 CLASS $359.93(being discontinued)
 EW949RV6XX EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M R.VANE 600 CLASS $436.61(being discontinued)
 EW969TV1001 EXT. WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO 1000L/S-CLAS $1,794.00(being discontinued)
 EW969TV2300 EXT WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO V2300 $2,431.20(being discontinued)
 EW969TV2KG EXT WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO V2KG $2,270.10(being discontinued)
 EW969TV301 EXT WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO 300 L/S-CLASS $876.00(being discontinued)
 EW969TV551 EXT WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO 550 L/S-CLASS $1,335.29(being discontinued)
 EW969TV701 EXT WARRANTY HEP 12M TURBO 700 L/S-CLASS $1,424.50(being discontinued)
 EWIDP3 EXT. WARRANTY 12 MONTH IDP-3 SCROLL $496.08(being discontinued)
 EWPHD4 EXTENDED WARRANTY 12M PHD4 LD $1,992.72(being discontinued)
 EWTPS81 EXTENDED WARRANTY HEP 12M TPS V81 $969.00(being discontinued)
 EWTV1KG EXTENDED WARRANTY12M TURBO V1KG $2,719.20(being discontinued)
 R4002A TMP-s 1st Year Extended Warranty $564.94(being discontinued)
 R4003A Turbo Mini extra charge $2,064.00(being discontinued)
 R4004A T74-T84FS Upgrade $1,188.77(being discontinued)
 R4007A TMP 300-400l/s Warranty Extension - 1Yr $909.00(being discontinued)
 R4017A TMP-m 3rd Year extended warranty $1,058.47(being discontinued)
 R4019A T704 / 804 FS upgrade $3,612.00(being discontinued)
 R4020A T404 FS upgrade $3,037.20(being discontinued)
 UP929TSP UPGRADE PROGRAM TSP 12M WARRANTY $984.00(being discontinued)
 UP929UHV UPGRADE PROGRAM 4UHV 12M WARRANTY $1,955.46(being discontinued)
 UP969MTASK UPGRADE PROGRAM MINITASK 2M WARRANTY $1,114.10(being discontinued)
 UP969PHD4 UPGRADE PROGRAM PHD4 12M WARRANTY $2,467.20(being discontinued)
 UP969TV1001 UPGRADE PROG.TURBO 1000 L/S 12M WARRANTY $4,348.80(being discontinued)
 UP969TV2300 UPGRADE PROGR.TURBO 2300L/S 12M WARRANTY $6,674.40(being discontinued)
 UP969TV2KG UPGRADE PROGRAM TV 2000 L/S 12M WARRANTY $6,668.40(being discontinued)
 UP969TV301 UPGRADE PROGR.TURBO 300 L/S 12M WARRANTY $1,755.36(being discontinued)
 UP969TV302G UPGRADE PROGR.TURBO 302G 12M WARRANTY $1,755.36(being discontinued)
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

Phone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001