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Agilent Varian HS-2 拡散ポンプ用コールド キャップ アセンブリ PN F0600301

  Varian Warranty


セール: ¥93,412.45

We are sorry, This item is no longer sold by Ideal Vacuum Products

通貨: Japanese Yen (JPY)


Agilent Varian HS-2 拡散ポンプ、コールド キャップ アセンブリ
Agilent Varian 部品番号 PN F0600301

交換用コールドキャップアセンブリです。 Agilent Varian HS-2 拡散ポンプに適合します。コールド キャップの位置については、以下の項目 #8 (分解図と部品図) を参照してください。


Specification Value
Optimum Operating Range 2x10⁻³ Torr (2.7 mbar) to < 5x10⁻⁸ Torr (6.7 mbar)
Maximum Pumping Speed 285 l/s, Air
Maximum Throughput (Air), Max. 0.5 Torr l/s (.67 mbar)
Maximum Forepressure No Load 5.5 x 1010⁻± (.73 mbar)
Full Load 4.0 x 1010⁻± (.53 mbar)
Backstreaming Rate at Pump Inlet 1x10⁻³ mg/cm2/min (with cold cap)
Power Requiered (Approximately) 450 Watts
Warmup Time 15 minutes
Cooldown Time Less than 5 minutes to break jet
Less than 10 minutes to vent pump
Fluid Charge 100 cc All conventional and high performance pump fluids
Cooling Water Requirements 0.1 gpm at 60° °F
(15.6 ° °C to 26.7 ° °C) Inlet temperature
Backing Pump Size 5 cfm or larger for optimum throughput

HS-2 Diffusion Pump Replacement Parts List

Description Part No. Item
Heaters (one heater required per pump) 1
   120 V / 450 watt Heater Assembly 647302125 5.1
   240 V / 450 watt Heater Assembly 647302150 5.1
Heater Block 82920001 2
Heater Platen 82918301 3
Jet Assembly F0310301 4
Top Cap 5
Cold Cap Assembly F0600301 6
Teflon Button F0597001 7
Butly O-ring Kit, Parker 2-238 for 2in DP K0377159 8
Foreline Baffle 84166301 9
Baffle Retaining Ring 660156010 10
Heater Clip 648018010 11
2-56 x 1/8 R.H.M.S. SS Standard 12
#4-40 x 3/16 Rd. Hd. MS Ni-Plated Standard 13
10-32 Hex Hd. SS 648018010 14
1/4 - 20 x 13/8, Hex. Hd. Cap Screw/Lock Washer SS Standard 15
Reflector 82917301 16
Santovac 5 diffusion pump fluid, 100 cc P102288
Marca de agua con el logotipo de Ideal Vacuum
Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, ニューメキシコ州 87109-5805 USA

電話: (505) 872-0037
ファックス: (505) 872-9001

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