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Agilent Varian VHS-6 & VHS-250 拡散ポンプ交換用ヒーター、240VAC、2200W、9.2A、26 オーム、647306225

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セール: ¥81,687.02

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Agilent Varian VHS-6 & VHS-250 拡散ポンプ交換用ヒーター、240VAC、2200W、9.2A、26 オーム
Agilent Varian 部品番号 647306225

これらの Agilent Varian VHS-6 および VHS-250 ヒーターは、部品番号 647306225 の VHS-6 拡散真空ポンプ用の Agilent Varian の OEM 交換部品です。これらの交換用拡散ポンプ ヒーターは、120 VAC で動作し、VHS 用に 2200 ワットの熱を発生するように設計されています。 -6 & VHS-250 拡散ポンプ。これらのヒーター要素は 208 VAC で 9.2 アンペアを消費し、要素全体の抵抗は 26 オームです。これらの Agilent Varian VHS-6 ヒーターは、以下の図の #8 として示されています。


Specification Value
Pumping Speed, Operating Range 1500 l/s air, 1,930 l/s He/H₂
Maximum Pumping Speed 2,400 l/s air w/standard cold cap; 950 w/extended cold cap
Maximum Throughput 2.4 T-l/s (3.2 mbar-l/s) in operating range, 3.5 T-l/s (4.5 mbar-l/s) @ 0.01 Torr
Operating Range 1.5x10⁻³ to < 5x10⁻⁹ Torr (2.10 x 10⁻³ < 6.5 x 10⁻⁹ mbar)
Maximum Forepressure No Load: 0.65 Torr (0.85 mbar)
Full Load: 0.55 Torr (0.72 mbar)
Recommended Backing Pump ≥ 17 cfm (29 m³/hr)
Backstreaming Rate < 5x10⁻⁴ mg/cm²/min (with standard cold cap)
Warmup Time 10 minutes
Cooldown Time 10 minutes (with quick cool coil)
Fluid Charge 500 cc - exact fluid charge available
Electrical Requirements 1 ph, 50/60 Hz, 120/208/240 VAC
Pump Power 2,200 Watts
Cooling Water Requirements 0.25 gpm (50 l/h) at 60-80 °F (15-26 °C)
Water Connections ⅛ in. FPT Tee

VHS-6 Diffusion Pump Replacement Parts List

Description Part No. Item
Standard Cold Cap Assembly 86488301 1
Extended Cold Cap Assembly F6455001 2
Sight Glass Repair Kit consisting of: L8908301 3
   Sight Glass L8816001 5.1
   Gasket, Teflon L9694001 5.1
   O-ring, Viton, Parker No. 2-113 CommI 5.1
   O-ring, Viton, Parker No. 2-226 CommI 5.1
Jet Assembly F3365301 4
Splash Baffle F4780301 5
Foreline Baffle Assembly L9172301 6
Thermal Switch Includes: L8912301 7
   Switch (set at 300 °F – 147 °C) 642906025 7a
   Lug 648056680 7b
   Wire 656179100 5.1
   Box Insulator 89867001 7d
Heaters (one heater required per pump) 8
   120 V / 2200 watt Heater Element 647306125 5.1
   208 V / 2200 watt Heater Element 647306175 5.1
   240 V / 2200 watt Heater Assembly 647306225 5.1
VHS-4 heater wire, 10 AWG, 24 inches (3 per pump required) X3901-68001 9
Lugs, Replacement, nickel 648056680 10
Heater Clamping Plate 86086301 11
Heater Insulation 86087001 12
Baffle Retaining Ring 699992156 13
O-Ring Kit includes: K0377184 14
   3 Butyl inlet flange O-ring, Parker No. 2-258 5.1
   10 Viton fill and drain O-rings (old style), Parker No. 2-112 5.1
   10 Viton fill and drain O-rings (new style, Parker No. 2-113 5.1
   1 Sight glass O-ring, Parker No. 2-226 5.1
   1 PTFE gasket 5.1
Screw, Rd hd machine, no. 8-32x31/416, stainless steel Screw 15
Stud, no. 8-32 x 1/2, stainless steel Stud 16
Screw, Socket hd cap, no. 8-32x11/44, stainless steel Screw 17
Centering ring for ISO inlet flange, 160K IC160SV 18
Centering ring for ISO foreline flange, KF40 KC40SV 19
Santovac 5 diffusion pump fluid, 500 cc 695405005
Installation and Operation Manual 699901021
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, ニューメキシコ州 87109-5805 USA

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